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Prospective Community Provider - Certification Orientation (Phase 1 - Online Course) $25.00
ADMH Courses

Prospective Community Provider - Certification Orientation (Phase 1 - Online Course)

Prospective Community Provider - Certification Orientation (Phase 1 - Online Course) is proudly presented to you by CEQ Alabama Department of Mental Health. Thank you. We hope that you enjoy your course.

Based on Alabama law, any community program providing services to people living with developmental disabilities, mental illness, and/or substance use disorders, must be certified by the Alabama Department of Mental Health (ADMH) to ensure services meet quality and safety requirements.

This course is the first of a two-phase orientation to help prospective providers understand the certification application process and determine whether they have the capacity to meet certification requirements. Both Phase 1 (online) and Phase 2 (live event) are required to become a certified community provider by the Alabama Department of Mental Health. This course must be completed within the 12 months prior to registering for Phase 2.  Attending Phase 1 or Phase 2 does not guarantee certification.

This course takes approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete.  There are no continuing education contact hours available for this course. 

ITEM: #98755
Reviewed by 1 customer  
Humbley serving mankind, December 10, 2014
I would very much love to humbly serve mankind through acts of services and in good deeds of service. To respect, advocate and protect the rights of others also provide individualization of care that provide a normalized least restrictive environment in a community setting.
By Deloris Rabb from Mobile, Al
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