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(ADMH) Person-Centered Planning for Direct Service Professionals

(ADMH) Person-Centered Planning for Direct Service Professionals is proudly presented to you by CEQ Alabama Department of Mental Health. Thank you. We hope that you enjoy your course.

Training hours: 5.0


This curriculum is intended for Alabama Community Direct Service Providers who are certified by Alabama Department of Mental Health-Division of Developmental Disabilities. The curriculum focus is providing foundational understanding of Person-Centered Assessment and Planning, development of the person-centered plan to include the outcomes, strategies, and actions the provider will implement to assist the individual. The curriculum has six modules that require a final exam score of 80 for successful completion. The Person-Centered Planning for Direct Service Professionals modules are as follows:


Module 1 – The Person-Centered Concept

The purpose of this training module is to introduce participants to the paradigm shift of person-centered planning with an emphasis on key characteristics that are important when developing the mindset of the person-centered concept.  This module will use videos to help propel participants thinking and cultivate an environment to better understand their role in the person-centered planning process. 


The objectives of this training module are to help Community Direct Service Providers,

Understand Cultural Humility

Understand Communicating with Respectful Language

Understanding the Strengths-Based Mindset

Understand the importance of Relationship Building

Understand the importance of being an Effective Listener

Understand the Impact of Person-Centered Planning



Module 2 – The Person-Centered Concept – Part 2

The purpose of this training module is to introduce and develop a shared understanding of person-centered planning with an emphasis on the role of the Provider. Participants will learn about their responsibilities related to the new PCP format. 


The objectives of this training module are to help Community Direct Service Providers,

Understand why changes are happening

Understand the person-centered process

Focus on strengths versus weaknesses

Understand the importance of the five domains for assessments

Discuss one or more of the Life Domains

Develop core competencies that are fundamental to facilitating PCP Assessment conversation.


Module 3 – The Person-Centered Concept – Part 3

The purpose of this training module is to introduce and develop a shared understanding of person-centered planning with an emphasis on the role of the Provider. Participants will learn about their responsibilities related to the new PCP format. 


The objectives of this training module are to help Community Direct Service Providers,

Define and explain the purpose of outcomes

Understand how to write a SMART Detail to define what succuss looks like for the person

Understand what are barriers and core issues

Understand the 5 why concept and core issue tester

Implement the strategies discussed in the PCP that support the Development of outcomes and

reflect the person’s defined preferred life

Understand the use of Brainstorming tools to help with selecting strategies

Understand the meaning of a Band-Aid fix and why it should not be used in the PCP process

Introduction to Dignity of Risk utilizing a self-study


Module 4 – The Person-Centered Concept - Part 4 (Provider Advocates and Self-Advocates)

The purpose of this training module is to introduce and develop a shared understanding of person-centered planning with an emphasis on the role of the Provider. Participants will learn about their responsibilities related to the new PCP format. 


The objectives of this training module are to help Community Direct Service Providers,

Understand Advocating and Guardians as it relates to the people we serve

Understand the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule

Understand what are HCBS Requirements

Understand what are HCBS Modifications


Module 5 – HCBS Modifications

The purpose of this training is to introduce and develop a shared understanding of person-centered planning with an emphasis on the role of the Provider. Participants will learn about their responsibilities related to the new PCP format. 


The objectives of this training module are to help Community Direct Service Providers,

Understand what “modifications” means in the context of the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Settings Rule

Understand the specific HCBS Settings Rule standards that can be modified

Understand the circumstances under which a HCBS Setting Rule standard may be modified

Understanding how a modification may be implemented, including the roles of the Support Coordinator and ID Waiver provider

Understanding how to document an HCBS modification as part of the Person-Centered Plan


Module 6 – The Action Plan

The purpose of this training is to introduce and develop a shared understanding of person-centered planning with an emphasis on the role of the Provider. Participants will learn about their responsibilities related to the new PCP format. 


The objectives of this training module are to help Community Direct Service Providers,

Understand what is an Action Plan

Understanding how an Action Plan should coincide with the Person-Centered Plan

Understanding how to create an Action Plan

Demonstrate how to write an Action Plan 


 Module 7 – Finance Training

This training has been developed to assist current and new Certified Home and Community Based Providers with information and tools to aid the person-served with financial management. The development of this training comes from federal, state, and local financial guidance’s on person-served who receive Social Security, Medicaid and ADMH-DDD Waiver services. In addition, the training provides attached documents for providers to review and or use when assisting or linking the person-served to professionals, who may need expert help with their finances. Lastly, the training also providers additional trainings for providers to extend their knowledge and understanding on financial accountability

ITEM: #1353531
(ADMH) Person-Centered Planning for Direct Service Professionals
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