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ADMH-DDD Specialized Behavioral Services Provider - Training Plan $70.00
ADMH Courses

ADMH-DDD Specialized Behavioral Services Provider - Training Plan

Providers that are certified through the AL Department of Mental Health-DD Division can deliver Specialized Behavioral level services to individuals with intellectual disabilities (Medicaid waiver program recipients) who have specialized behavioral needs that place them at risk of psychiatric or behavioral crisis, displacement, hospitalization, homelessness, and/or incarceration. These individuals may also require enhanced staffing levels due to the risk of harm to self or others.

All providers of Specialized Behavioral Services must complete a set of courses established by ADMH which will be the core curriculum of behavioral services training. Additionally, included in the core curriculum will be the AL Behavioral Services Procedural Guidelines (Positive Behavior Supports) Orientation. A full list of requirements for this service category can be found in the Provider Operational Guidelines Manual, located on the ADMH website at https://mh.alabama.gov/provider-operational-guidelines-manual/.

The following titles must be completed to successfully meet the requirements of the training plan.

1. Crisis Intervention for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
2. Supporting People with IDD and Mental Health Conditions
3. Introduction to Trauma-Informed Care
4. Providing Support for Challenging Behavior
ITEM: #426092
ADMH-DDD Specialized Behavioral Services Provider - Training Plan
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