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Understanding the PASRR Process (OBRA-PASRR) $20.00
ADMH Courses

Understanding the PASRR Process (OBRA-PASRR)

Understanding the PASRR Process (OBRA-PASRR) is proudly presented to you by CEQ Alabama Department of Mental Health. Thank you. We hope that you enjoy your course.




 ***Course Information***

Based on Requirements of section 1919 (e) (7) of the Social Security Act, the state of Alabama uses a Level I Screening Form as a tool to identify individuals who may have mental illnesses, intellectual disabilities or related conditions prior to being admitted to a Medicaid certified facility, regardless of their payment source. Understanding the PASRR Process is a training event that assists Nursing Home Administrators and other PASRR stakeholders in understanding the requirements, expectations, and processes required by the PASRR provision in the Social Security Act.

  • In order to successfully participate, each learner needs a computer/device allowing both audio and video interaction.
  • Zoom log on information will be emailed to the registered participant prior to the course. If you do not receive it at least 2 days before the class starts, please contact us. Do not wait until the day of the class or after the class has started.

***Once you have registered, click 'MY COURSES' in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.  Select the course by clicking 'ENTER COURSE' to view or print information prior to the date of your course. You will return here at the conclusion of your course to print a certificate.



***General Information ***

  • Online registration closes 5 days prior to session date.
  • There is a $20 registration fee.
  • Participants must attend the full ZOOM Session to receive CE credit. ZOOM time stamps will certify join & leave times. Both audio and video capability is required. Also, you must complete the test questions during the training.
  • If you sign in late or leave early, you will NOT receive CEUs, so please plan for this training session.                                                                                                                                 


Upon completion of the Understanding the PASRR Process, participants should be able to perform the following:

  1. Apply PASRR rules and regulations regarding Nursing Home admissions.
  2. Analyze and recognize an accurate Level I screen.                                            
  3. Apply PASRR rules and requirements for resident status changes.
  4. Monitor for PASRR Non-Compliance items.                                                                           



Continuing Education Information

  • The Alabama Department of Mental Health is an approved provider of continuing education by the Alabama Board of Social Work Examiners (#0125, exp.1/31/2026). This program is offered for contact hours.

  • The Alabama Department of Mental Health is an approved provider of continuing education by the Alabama Board of Nursing (ABNP0150, exp. 7/12/2025) . This program is offered for 1.2 contact hours. Nurses will need to provide a license number the day of class in order to receive contact hours.
  • The Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators has reviewed and approved the seminar entitled “Understanding the PASRR Process” for 1 hours of continuing education credit for licensed nursing home administrators in the State of Alabama.


 Eligible participants must be in attendance for the full program to receive credit for completing this course.



Alabama Department of Mental Health will take all reasonable steps to ensure that Americans with disabilities are given equal and reasonable opportunity to participate in training coordinated through Staff Development. To better serve your needs, please indicate accommodations needed by contacting the OBRA-PASRR office (334.242.0862) a minimum of thirty business days before the scheduled training. 


Registration Reminders

  • You must register as yourself, for yourself.
  • Each individual attending must have their own user account in this system.  The user account is how course information is sent, how attendance is verified, and where the participant will access a certificate of completion.
  • Attempting to register multiple participants under one account will prohibit the individual from receiving a certificate. 

The email with the Zoom information will be sent to the email address associated with your Relias account. If the email address with your Relias account is not where you want the notifications to be sent, please update your Relias account information.


Cancellations by learner:

***Note about cancellations or absences ***Cancellations made by the learner within 24 hours of the class start date are not eligible for a refund or rescheduling. If you miss the class, a refund will not be given and you will not be rescheduled for a future class.



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